Email Notifications in EZ File Drop

EZ File Drop has three email notifications types. 

  • Uploader Notification
  • Team Notification
  • Third Party Notification

Each is set to a powerful default state that will be sufficient for most users, but all three email notifications can be completely customized with HTML and custom variables generated by EZ File Drop. 

In this tutorial we’ll cover what the defaults are, how to preview an email, and how to customize an email. 


Uploader Notification

Navigate to your list of Upload Forms and select Edit on one of the forms, then select Notifications in the left menu. 

Note: Email notifications are specific to each Upload Form and can be customized accordingly. 

By default, the Uploader Notification is enabled with the Email Type set to Default Email. This will automatically send the uploader an email confirming a successful upload.

To preview the email notification click, Preview Email Notification.

Note: The logo on the top of the Default Email will be the same logo you are using on your Upload Form.

Back on the Uploader Notifications settings tab, you also have the ability to send a test email by selecting Send a Test Email so you can preview the email in whichever email client you choose.


Team Notification

By default, the Team Notification is enabled with the Upload Form Owner as the only recipient and the Email Type set to Defeault Email

You can add anyone on your team to receive email notifications. 

The Team Notification Default Email contains the form information, number of files uploaded, links to view the files on the connected cloud service, and links to directly download the files.

Note: The logo on the top of the Default Email will be the same logo you are using on your Upload Form.

Note: Ensure any recipients of this email have appropriate access to your cloud destination ie Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.


Third Party Notification

By default there are no recipients for the Third Party Notification

You may add anyone you like to receive this email notification. An example may be a client who wants to keep tabs on form submissions. When a recipient is added the Email Type is set to the Default Email.

The Third Part Default Email contains the from information and links to directly download the files. This email DOES NOT contain a link to view the files on your connected cloud service.

Note: The logo on the top of the Default Email will be the same logo you are using on your Upload Form.

Note: Ensure any recipients of this email have appropriate access to your cloud destination ie Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.


Email Customization

EZ File Drop gives you the ability to completely customize any of the three email notifications. 

Change Email Type to Custom HTML Email.

Paste your HTML in HTML Template

To preview your email, select Preview Email Notification.


Custom Variables

Any form fields you have created for a particular Upload Form are available as Variables that can be inserted into your Custom HTML Email. The available variables will be displayed right below the HTML Template.

Simply copy the variables into the email and EZ File Drop will replace those fields with the specific information for every email. 

To ensure the Variables are working properly, preview the email. At the location of the variable, the field name will be displayed.